Monday, January 30, 2006

Save Face - Brett Favre should Retire!

Will he or won't he?? That is the question many are asking as of late. My opinion. The guy needs to retire. He almost led the league last season in interceptions and seems to be just loosing that amazing accuracy he used to have. It's true that he didn't have the supporting cast last season but even still... The man should retire. I would definitely say he was one of the best quarterbacks of our time and I admire the man greatly. I would love to see him go out with people remembering how good he was rather then how bad he has become. I think he would be great behind the cameras and would be fun to watch his commentary on off the field. Brett please man!! Just retire!!


Blogger Hadyn said...

Hold up a minute.

If Favre retires then who does Green Bay have? Alex Rogers. Would you trust a team like the Packers to a guy who was drafted AFTER Alex Smith?

Favre should instead agree to take a mentor role and step down as starter. Let Rogers take over and have Favre help him deal with a team that Favre has played with for, like, 100 years.

To be honest this is the situation I would have put Favre in THIS season not next, but who knows. If he just up and quits then he may be leaving the Packers in a bigger hole than they are already in.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Yes they do have Alex Rogers. Yes he was drafted after Alex Smith but I'm not convinced that Alex Rogers should have gone #1. Rogers had all last season to learn from Brett. It might not have been the best season for Brett but I gaurantee you that Brett showed Rogers the ropes. If you look at history almost all great quarterbacks say that the best way to learn is to get out and play. Look at Payton Manning. He SUCKED his first year and he said he thinks that first year was the best learning he could have ever had. Look at Troy Akman. He had the same thing. So I still think Brett should stop playing and let Rogers start his learnings. Just my opinion : )

9:19 AM  
Blogger Hadyn said...

No, I agree. I meant to imply that Rogers isn't good enough yet to steer the ship alone or with a veteran QB who is new to the franchise himself. Look what happened to Smith at the 49ers.

I don't agree with your statement about Peyton Manning though.

1998 (rookie year):
575 attempts for 326 completions (56.7%), 3739yds and 26 TDs

2005 (this season):
453 attempts for 305 completions (67.3%), 3747yds and 28 TDs.

Oh, and I stupidly called him "Alex Rogers" but it's Aaron...oops sorry Aaron

1:43 PM  

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