Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A good DEFENSE can be more exciting then a good OFFENSE

With the Super Bowl just around the corner I thought this video seemed to fit perfectly. Both the Steelers and the Seahawks have amazing defenses. I'm sure there will be some good hits. This video shows some of the best hits ever!!

Seattle Seahawks VS Pittsburg Stealers - Who's The lock?

The big game is finally right around the corner and I have to say I'm pretty fired up for it. I have a feeling this game will be very entertaining! Pitt has been on fire lately. Their defense looks as though they can stop anyone. They made fools of the colts. Pitt is also the favorite. Are people just jumping on the bandwagon though??? My pick is Seattle!!!!! Yes they were in a weeker division but... They have accomplished some pretty amazing tasks this year. THey have the leagues most impressive Running back. Even though Alexander has been critised as being small and not tough, the man broke the TD record this year. He also lead the league in 3rd down conversions which means that man was banging for short yardage gain. I think the Seahawks defense is just as good as the steelers as well and don't get nearly as much credit. Finally I think it has alot to do with the fact that Seattle is a west coast team. West coast teams traditionally don't get as much credit as Eastern teams. I guess we will all find out on Sunday but my money is on Seattle.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I love watching the Super Bowl. I love the game, the food, hanging with friends and those crazy funny commercials. I think this one would have topped it off if it wasn't for the FCC Banning it. You will laugh your ass off at this one!!!! I PROMISE!!! Enjoy!!! It's PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terrell Owens to the Denver Broncos?? Say it aint so!!

Somebody please stop this. It looks like the Denver Broncos had a "get to know you" meeting with T.O. this week. WHY??????? The guy is poison!! Don't get me wrong. The guy has mad skills. He is probably one of the best physical receivers in the league. BUT... He only seems to Corrupt teams. Tell me a time when he actually benefited a team in the long run? I'm a 49ers fan. He killed us. It got to a point where he wasn't even trying anymore. All he did was talk shit and not try on the field. He then got what he wished for and was traded to Philly. What did he do there? Yes he did play with a hurt ankle. Great!! Give him a fricken award. The only thing that came out of that was a poisoned Philly team that got worse with T.O. there.

I also went to ASU so I'm a huge Jake Plummer fan. If T.O. Goes to Denver, is he going to poison the broncos? History would say YES. I think T.O. should get what he deserves and not be allowed to play in the league again. This is a guy who is making millions and all he does is bitch like a little girl. Give the man what he deserves. Let him not play football anymore and get a real job earning an average salary like the rest of the US. Maybe then he will realize that he should shut up and be thankful he has the talent he does and has the ability to play in such a great league.



Monday, January 30, 2006

Save Face - Brett Favre should Retire!

Will he or won't he?? That is the question many are asking as of late. My opinion. The guy needs to retire. He almost led the league last season in interceptions and seems to be just loosing that amazing accuracy he used to have. It's true that he didn't have the supporting cast last season but even still... The man should retire. I would definitely say he was one of the best quarterbacks of our time and I admire the man greatly. I would love to see him go out with people remembering how good he was rather then how bad he has become. I think he would be great behind the cameras and would be fun to watch his commentary on off the field. Brett please man!! Just retire!!

Tiger wins Buick Invitational - He needed it!

TIGER WINS!! Well Tiger has done it again and he couldn't have done it at a better time. I read last week that Tiger just purchased a new home. This home cost him $38 Million. Crazy isn't it??? He is probably thanking is lucky stars that he is getting off to such a great start 2006. Those house bills have to be insane!!

Tiger Woods WINS - Great Shot!!

Well Tiger has done it again. He just won the Buick Invitational and is starting 2006 with a bang. Anyone who plays golf has to admire this guy. It's simply amazing what he can do with the golf ball. I don't have any recent clips of Tiger but this video is one of the most amazing shots I have seen. I remember watching this live and could not believe myself. ENJOY!!